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Initiative Challenge Explained

I have been on teams most of my life and have had the opportunity to work with wonderful people and help them become more successful team members and leaders. Working as the director of a challenge course in 1995, I discovered that I can do team building anywhere, and not just on a challenge course. What I found out is that many times people learn and retain more about building a great team at my program as opposed to being on a challenge course. Do not get me wrong, I still work a lot of groups on challenge courses. I love to take groups on challenge courses, and discovered that it works perfectly with the sequencing I do with teams that I work with on a regular basis. Let me explain more why so many people like the initiative challenge.

While working on that challenge course back in 1995, I watched closely and listened to people at the end of programs and what they had to say about their team building experience. They would be excited and would tell me what a great time they had and how much fun they had. When asked if they would come back, I started hearing answers that led me to creating my initiative challenge. First of all, I noticed that when we went from low elements to high elements on the challenge course, some people used, "challenge by choice," and did not participate. There are people that have a fear of heights and don't want to climb 30, 40 or 50 feet in the air. For others it gave them an excuse not to participate. My goal is to get everyone involved in the team building experience. Sometimes the people on your team you really need to participate would not. Therefore, some of the problems or issues you wanted to address which concern these people could not be discussed even in a non-threatening way. I wanted to create a team building program that would include everyone. That means you would not have to be an athlete to participate. I also wanted the team building expedition to be challenging, but I also needed to be able to adapt it to different age and skill levels. There were several other issues concerning challenge courses that I wanted to address so I could keep the cost of the program at a reasonable rate and not have to worry about cancellations because of the weather. I wanted to make my programs more accessible to groups and do my team building expeditions at their location or at a location more convenient for them.

So, I came up with the Initiative Challenge. I can do the Initiative Challenge anywhere, indoors or outdoors. All I need is enough room so that groups can move around and complete the challenges I present to them. Being able to do the programs indoors allows groups to be comfortable so they can concentrate on the issues they need to do to accomplish and be successful while completing the challenge. Plus, there are no cancellations because of weather. This is a very important factor for groups that have a limited amount of time and are unable to reschedule for another program. The program needs to happen when scheduled. Being able to do the programs indoors allows me to conduct the initiative challenge anywhere! Therefore I can come to you and do a program in a location that is more convenient for your group, and that in itself can save you money when you don't have to transport everyone to a faraway location.

One of the main advantages to the initiative challenge is being able to get more or all of the people in your group involved in the team building process. This means taking away those excuses they come up with for not wanting to participate. I said earlier, you don't have to be an athlete to participate in the initiative challenge. Everyone has the opportunity to engage in the program. I have found that even people that are not enthusiastic about the program at first sometimes end up being the most productive after they discover that the initiative challenge is a non-threatening program that presents ways to deal with problems and issues in every day work life. I have also been told that one of the most wonderful things about the Adventures in Team Building Initiative Challenge is that folks really have a lot of fun during the program! Having fun seems to loosen everyone up and helps people to learn and retain what they need to know to become a super productive team. People find out many new and wonderful things about their team members that they never knew before. Members and new members of a team get to know each other a lot faster. This saves time in the long run and helps to get things done faster and in a more efficient manner.

Adventures in Team Building Initiative Challenge takes pride in getting everyone involved on a team and becoming a more productive team member. It also does away with cancellations due to weather and allows the program to be more accessible to your team. We can come to you. This alone can save you major bucks! So give me a call or e-mail me so we can plan goals and objectives for your group. I look forward to hearing from you and providing you with a specialized program for your team. Until then, Hoo - Ya!!!!  -Greg.